What You Can Do to Prevent a Lockout

How You Can Avoid Ever Being Locked Out

When someone discovers that they are locked out of their home, the situation is frustrating enough to drive anyone crazy. You want to get angry with someone but you really don’t have anyone to blame but yourself. Now you have to try to figure out how in the world you’ll gain access again. The idea alone is enough to cause you anxiety. This can turn into an unbearable situation. However, don’t fret, our locksmiths at Fast & Secure Locksmith in Bolingbrook, IL, has some very useful and practical suggestions for avoiding a lockout.

We must mention that in order to avoid being locked out, you will need to use the suggestions in order for them to benefit you. Trying some of them certainly couldn’t harm anything; it can only make the situation better. There are some things that you may be doing that you didn’t realize could contribute to your being locked out. These suggestions or tips serve as a guide that will help you find methods that work best for your situation. You may even begin to think outside the box to discover other ways, which are not mentioned, to avoid being locked out.

Practical Ways to Avoid Being Locked Out

  • Buy Lock Picks – Most locksmiths will not tell you to do this but we do realize that having them and knowing how to use them can save you a great deal of frustration. Just because this has never happened to you does not mean that it won’t. Even if it doesn’t happen to you, you can be of use to someone else who may find themselves locked out. You’ll also need to check with the municipality that you live in to find out if you can legally own lock picks. It is also a good idea to learn how to effectively use them in order for them to benefit you. You can always practice on your car before an incident should arise when you will need it.
  • Use Bump Key – You only need one bump key. In addition to a bump key, you need a hammer for striking the key. This is not the easiest key to use. Again, you will likely need to practice in order to be able to effectively use this type of key when you are locked out. You also want to make sure that the bump key is kept out of the sight of others.
  • Develop a Routine – A routine can develop within 30 days. You might want to develop the habit of tossing your key up in the air before leaving the house to ensure you have them in your hands. It doesn’t matter where you usually place your keys, making sure they are in your hand before you leaves is important, especially if you do not require a key to lock your door behind you. Being able to visually see your keys in your hand is the best way to ensure you haven’t left home without them. You can make things easier on yourself by developing a regular routine of making sure your hands are in your hands.
  • Have Spare Keys Made – Even if you should happen to lock yourself out, you will be able to easily gain access again if you have a spare key. Don’t wait until you’ve already locked yourself out to consider having a spare key made. This is the worst time to think about doing this. If your key is inside, how are you going to make a spare? While this is not a way to avoid being locked out, it is sure to decrease the amount of stress that you will experience due to being locked out. It isn’t a bad idea to have more than one spare key. In fact, perhaps you can give one to a close friend or relative and then keep another one on your property. You wouldn’t want to hand the spare key over to someone who travels for business a lot. They may not be around when you need them.
  • Have Bad Locks Replaced – If you have bad locks, it is possible for you to lock yourself out even with the right key. If you have a bad key and you are continuing to use it, this will begin to affect your lock. Over time, your lock will not serve its purpose. When you use a warped key, it can also break off in the lock. This would be disastrous. When you have discover that you have bad locks, instead of waiting for something bad to occur, have the lock replaced upon the first sign of wear and tear. A qualified locksmith will be able to quickly install a new lock for you in no time. Always remember to check them in the presence of the locksmith to ensure they are working properly.
  • Stop Duplicating Keys – When you continue to duplicate a key, it will start to become ineffective. When duplicated over and over again from another duplicated key, they key may not work because it was not properly cut. When you have a key duplicated, always have it made from the original key, if you can. If not, make sure it is duplicated from the key closest to the original key.
  • Hold On to Your Keys – If you have something in the car and you have to make several trips, never sit the keys down. Make sure you’re aware of the need to make several trips back and forth to your car and keep the keys in your pocket or hands. If you ever hand over your keys to someone, always make sure you get them back as quickly as possible. The last thing you want to do is find yourself locked out because someone has your key and now you are unable to get inside. Avoid taking your keys out when you are in public. The possibility of sitting them down is greater.

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Phone: (331) 256-8912